Completing the list is easier than it looks.
Just go down each column (like bedroom, kitchen etc) one column at a time and enter the number of items to be moved as you go.
Cartons, containers and similar small things are all entered in the top two rows.
Keep adding cartons and containers there as you go, or leave them till last if you find it easier.
You can CLICK an item's description to add one (+1) and click under the 'quantity' field to subtract one (-1).
If you have a lot of a 'thing' (eg 34 boxes) you can enter the quantity directly into the 'quantity' fields.
If you can't find an item on the list please enter it as something similar in size. For larger items, add a second one. For example, for a 1.8 metre wide wall-unit, enter 2 wall units or for an oversize stripy bag add two stripy bags.
Click the 'info' symbol or 'hover' over an item for more info. (You can click it again to close the panel. In fact any place you can click on to 'open' a panel, you can also click on to 'close' it again).
Our quote will normally be emailed within a few minutes. Once you have received it you can sign back in and book or make ongoing changes to your list. Subsequent price changes will be displayed in real time.
If you write anything in the comments or access issues fields that price may be subject to review. Reviewed prices will be notified on or before the end of the next business day.
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